Epic Football Quiz again 10th February.

Think you know the beautiful game? Come along and try your luck and maybe with our beer tab jackpot!

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Details and bookings https://www.eventbrite.com/e/football-quiz-tickets-77202726433

Very special Duvel Greatest Hits beer tasting.

We are delighted to be welcoming the lovely folks from Duvel Moortgat to introduce their family of great beers. Master Sommelier Simon Brooks. The evening will include seven superb beers and food pairings.

Brewery give aways and merchandise and beers. Prize Beer Quiz.

This really will be a night to remember for any beer lover who either loves these beers or who would like to get to know more about them.

Tickets are limited on a first come first serve basis. £30 pp inc.

Any questions call the Dovetail 0207 490 7321 and ask for Jon or Daniel.

Any questions call the Dovetail 0207 490 7321 and ask for Jon or Daniel.

New for June, 3 Course Beer Tasting Menu.

Special introductory offer £25.99 ( normal price £30) Be one of the first to try!

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Three courses, three beers just £30. Select any starter, main and dessert and you will be served the specially selected draft beer ( half pint of each ) with each course. Special introductory offer till the end of June £25.99